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Minds’ Lil’ Wise

Minds’ A Lil Wise podcast is designed to talk about the importance of inner voices, our mind words. During the podcast I’ll discuss the power our inner voice has over our happiness and how listeners can use this to their advantage. I will highlight how most people’s mind is negative, creates limiting beliefs, and at times is cruel. I want everyone to know that they have full control over this and when used in a positive way will stop anxiety, remove limiting beliefs, and they will be happier, grateful, and more successful in everything that they do.

By being honest, genuine, and truthful about my experiences with my own mind and inner voice, will allow the audience to relate and appreciate what I am talking about. I’ll also use my life coaching skills and tools I’ve learnt to help with this inner voice. So hopefully, we can all be “normal”!  

Check here for the latest Podcast Episode: