Parenting Style is defined as a psychological abstract that constitutes standard strategies to be used by parents in raising their children. The parenting style that parents choses to employ among their children and within their household is most crucial in determining their children’s attitude and overall behaviour. Today, psychologists have established four major parenting styles, each of which has different characteristics and will bring out different effects and reactions towards children, depending on how parents go about their own way of rearing their kids. While we all have different methods and views about how we raise our children, it is important to keep in mind that whatever parenting style we end up with, our children’s welfare and development should be at the top of our priority. This means that their overall health and growth should be considered, firsthand.
There are four types of parenting styles identified as:
· Authoritative
· Uninvolved or Neglectful
· Permissive
· Authoritarian
This parent probably is the most famous and is loved by many children. This parenting style has been widely regarded to give the most benefits and is most effective among the four. These types of parents set rules to follow and is also laying down consequences when you fail to follow the rules. In fact, they make sure that the authority belongs to them, and them alone. However, they also take into account their children’s feelings, are willing to compromise, listen to, and understand the opinions given by their kids as well. This promotes open-communication from parents and children. When punishment is needed, these types of parents are consistent. But they make sure that the punishment is measured based on the weight of the offense made, while not being violent. They make sure that they have clearly explained the reasons behind the punitive act. Authoritative parents are supportive to their children, allowing them the freedom to be responsible, to explore, to making decisions, and allowing them the autonomy about things.
Uninvolved or Neglectful
If authoritative parenting is the most effective and beneficial parenting style among children, uninvolved or neglectful parenting is the exact opposite. This type of parenting style is harmful and damaging, thus, does not contribute to a child’s growth. These types of parents do not give proper guidance and fail to nurture the child’s development. They expect their kids to raise themselves, on their own. Kids with uninvolved parents don’t have the right foundation or structure or the guidance children need to develop the correct sense of belongingness and support to feel confident in decision making, or the security to know that someone is always there for you. These parents spent little or no time with the child, so family life is non-existent. It is most likely that children under this parenting style suffer from self-esteem issues and will have a hard time forming relationships with others. They seek attention in the wrong places and surrender to peer pressure as they are unsure of how and what to do in these situations.
Permissive parents do set rules. But they are lazy in their conviction and enforcing them. The rules can be bend depending upon the parent and the situation at the time of the incident. If children fail to follow, consequences are not properly carried out. Thus, prevents the child from understanding the true meaning of discipline and consequences. It makes it hard for the child to learn and they may be confused when discipline is given as it isn’t consistent. It doesn’t mean though that the child is neglected, as neglectful parents do. In fact, they are very involved and are caring, nurturing, and accepting. Only that they fail to provide sufficient control over their child as they focus more on being a friend, instead of being a parent. This type of parenting is described as lax with only minimal punishments. Since these types of parents are lenient, they try to compensate by giving their kids freedom and material things, rearing children to be “spoiled brats”, as they say.
This parent is by all means a “lawmaker”. They set rules, no exemptions. They see their children, but they are not heard. They only focus on their own feelings, concentrate on their own ways, without considering how their children feel. They are restrictive, and when kids fail to follow them, they provide heavy punishments, usually violent without even an explanation. Authoritarian parenting upholds the saying “parents are always right” thus, children are not given the chance to talk, to speak out, and give feedback because it will be considered as disrespectful. As this is the case, children are not involved in decision making and problem-solving scenarios, causing them not to develop these skills. Obedience for them is very important thus, they make their children follow their own directive which in return causes the child to doubt their own decisions and have low self-esteem because their ideas aren’t given importance. This restricts the child the freedom to make their own mistakes in life to learn from or have any creative input into how their life will be. This shuts down a lot of the child’s development and sense of self-worth.
So, there you have it. A little insight to the varying types of parenting. Which category do you fit into?
Remember as a parent you are raising tomorrows adults, so make sure that you provide your child the best skills, values, and guidance so that they can continue to make the world a wonderful place to live in. Show them kindness, love, and care. Be supportive and involved, while allowing them the freedom to learn responsibility, respect, as well as consequences of their actions.
Happy parenting!